We have decided to completely upgrade our FTP services to *secure* FTP only — more specifically FTPS (TLS Auth) and FTPES. Now this means that plain (clear) text FTP connections can no longer be made to your accounts.

The only tested and free FTP client we found for both Linux and Windows (XP, Vista) has been FileZilla (although FireFTP under Firefox is another free secure FTP client you could use). You can download and install FileZilla from here.

Linux flavours: Use your Linux distribution’s Package Management System to install FileZilla. For Debian and Ubuntu you would type the following from a terminal: sudo apt-get install filezilla

Important FileZilla setup information:

Once you’ve installed FileZilla you need to setup a “New Site”. Click on the “Site Manager” icon — the icon under the File menu. That will open a new dialog window to allow you to setup a “New Site”. Click on “New Site” and then enter in the Host (your domain name), the Port (21) and for Server Type select (FTPES – FTP over explicit TLS/SSL).

Then for Login Type (Normal) and then enter your cPanel Username and Password. You can leave the Account field blank.

Then click on “Connect” and you should now be connecting securely via FTPES to your account.

We hope that this will work out for you. If it doesn’t, or if you need further assistance, then please do no hesitate to contact us.

Russell John

By Russell John

Founder of Trance Host. Over 20 years of experience in the web hosting industry.